Resco Systems

Log Details

_id 67217c56fc814f1c93476eb9
Confirmed True
Date 2024-10-29
Operators Boomer
Hours {'boomer': '10', 'jack': '10', 'ralph': '10'}
Profiles [{'code': '24s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '6', 'color': 'nailer', 'totalWeight': 144}, {'code': '26s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '17', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 612}, {'code': '210s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '6', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 396.0}, {'code': '212s', 'length': '10', 'quantity': '3', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 195.0}, {'code': '24s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '79', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 1896}]
Blowers no
Amb_temp 41
Zone_temp {'1': {'am': '274', 'noon': '2789', 'pm': '277'}, '2': {'am': '388', 'noon': '387', 'pm': '387'}, '3': {'am': '443', 'noon': '440', 'pm': '435'}, '4': {'am': '458', 'noon': '455', 'pm': '455'}, '5': {'am': '405', 'noon': '407', 'pm': '402'}, '6': {'am': '401', 'noon': '401', 'pm': '406'}, '7': {'am': '309', 'noon': '326', 'pm': '328'}, '8': {'am': '161', 'noon': '198', 'pm': '202'}}
Remarks Jack: Ran gear box for 20-25mins same steady noise the hole time, then drain and filtered oil out of gear box. no word on pulley from ISSCO. then Fired up wash plant and washed 6,135lbs of wb today. noise in grinder has change getting closer to time to investigate. Lumber Line: Production all day boards are improving. 4 head plates into the 4th round and started removing 24s12 head plats to add 26s16 pluged down to 12' to increase 26s production . injection: 97.5% extrusion: 2.5% 2 batches of blow made
Blendbox_address 65a6c348238ce513e64e4269
Additive_batches 3
Plastics {'inj': {'source': 'Rose Proj. Canada', 'color': 'white', 'percent': '97'}, 'ext': {'source': 'Argraplas', 'color': 'natural', 'percent': '3'}}
Totalweight 3243.0
Timestamp 1730185200.0