Resco Systems

Log Details

_id 671ae5dafc814f1c93476eb6
Confirmed True
Date 2024-10-24
Operators Boomer
Hours {'boomer': '10', 'jack': '10', 'ralph': '0'}
Profiles [{'code': '24s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '75', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 1800}, {'code': '26s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '6', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 216}, {'code': '210s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '4', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 264.0}]
Blowers no
Amb_temp 39
Zone_temp {'1': {'am': '273', 'noon': '292', 'pm': '311'}, '2': {'am': '387', 'noon': '388', 'pm': '389'}, '3': {'am': '437', 'noon': '437', 'pm': '437'}, '4': {'am': '443', 'noon': '4431', 'pm': '442'}, '5': {'am': '406', 'noon': '406', 'pm': '406'}, '6': {'am': '402', 'noon': '400', 'pm': '398'}, '7': {'am': '324', 'noon': '328', 'pm': '332'}, '8': {'am': '166', 'noon': '185', 'pm': '204'}}
Remarks continued testing today product is starting to look better,Jack assisted on production line and did some tool maintenance on bansaw (he cleaned real good). did make some usable product today (actual Injection is 97.5% and extrusion is 2.5%) 2=color batches 2-batches of blow
Blendbox_address 65a6c348238ce513e64e4269
Plastics {'inj': {'source': 'Rose Proj. Canada', 'color': 'white', 'percent': '97'}, 'ext': {'source': 'Argraplas', 'color': 'natural', 'percent': '2'}}
Totalweight 2280.0
Timestamp 1729753200.0