Resco Systems

Log Details

_id 6716effbfc814f1c93476eb3
Confirmed True
Date 2024-10-21
Operators Boomer
Hours {'boomer': '10', 'jack': '10', 'ralph': '10'}
Profiles [{'code': '24s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '17', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 408}, {'code': '24s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '5', 'color': 'nailer', 'totalWeight': 120}, {'code': '210s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '2', 'color': '12', 'totalWeight': 132.0}, {'code': '212s', 'length': '10', 'quantity': '1', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 65.0}, {'code': '26s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '4', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 144}, {'code': '26s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '4', 'color': 'nailer', 'totalWeight': 144}]
Blowers no
Amb_temp 49
Zone_temp {'1': {'am': '333', 'noon': '351', 'pm': '351'}, '2': {'am': '393', 'noon': '395', 'pm': '387'}, '3': {'am': '422', 'noon': '421', 'pm': '414'}, '4': {'am': '409', 'noon': '408', 'pm': '416'}, '5': {'am': '398', 'noon': '411', 'pm': '401'}, '6': {'am': '405', 'noon': '402', 'pm': '403'}, '7': {'am': '314', 'noon': '332', 'pm': '346'}, '8': {'am': '172', 'noon': '196', 'pm': '182'}}
Remarks Jack: Fierd up wash line, ran for a hour, than did a grinder inspection after taking a look at grinder Jack and Ralph removed garbage out screw and Jack inspected it.Then Jack started draining the separator tank and left a little for the morning. Lumber Line: Ran a series of test with 0% blow today. Amps stayed in normal range pressures were normal to high. big boss gave the go ahead to fill the 210s be for we saw any evidence of dishing. we the 24s came around we had dishing. the call was made to add .05% blow system is all set up to run new mix first thing in the morning. blow=2 color=2
Blendbox_address 65a6c348238ce513e64e4269
Plastics {'inj': {'source': 'Rose Proj. Canada', 'color': 'white', 'percent': '100'}, 'ext': {'source': 'Argraplas', 'color': 'natural', 'percent': '0'}}
Totalweight 1013.0
Timestamp 1729494000.0