Resco Systems

Log Details

_id 6712fc8afc814f1c93476eb2
Confirmed True
Date 2024-10-18
Operators Boomer
Hours {'boomer': '10', 'jack': '0', 'ralph': '10'}
Profiles [{'code': '24s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '62', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 1488}, {'code': '24s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '5', 'color': 'naier', 'totalWeight': 120}, {'code': '210s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '4', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 264.0}, {'code': '212s', 'length': '10', 'quantity': '3', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 195.0}, {'code': '26s', 'length': '12', 'quantity': '15', 'color': 'gray', 'totalWeight': 540}]
Blowers no
Amb_temp 40
Zone_temp {'1': {'am': '153', 'noon': '203', 'pm': '193'}, '2': {'am': '277', 'noon': '326', 'pm': '330'}, '3': {'am': '401', 'noon': '405', 'pm': '405'}, '4': {'am': '406', 'noon': '412', 'pm': '406'}, '5': {'am': '411', 'noon': '408', 'pm': '410'}, '6': {'am': '417', 'noon': '420', 'pm': '414'}, '7': {'am': '388', 'noon': '393', 'pm': '388'}, '8': {'am': '299', 'noon': '362', 'pm': '352'}}
Remarks had to turn on heat zones when we first got here this morning also turned on plastic dryer. while waiting for zones to come up Ralf and Boomer started washing plastic we needed for the day and for monday start up. we also added 2 head plates of 2x6-12' to the round making it 12 head plates in the round. 3.75 rounds completed. 3,526 lbs of w/b washed amps stayed between 140 and 155. shinni and gravametric were the only minor issues today they had trouble wanting to keep up. 1 batch of blow
Blendbox_address 65a6c348238ce513e64e4269
Additive_batches 2
Plastics {'inj': {'source': 'Rose Proj. Canada', 'color': 'white', 'percent': '100'}, 'ext': {'source': 'Argraplas', 'color': 'natural', 'percent': '0'}}
Totalweight 2607.0
Timestamp 1729234800.0